Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Dog is Chasing Ghosts

I started a new blog about what every author should know about online marketing and then some called THE DOG IS CHASING GHOSTS. Take a look. I think you will find it entertaining and useful.

Every so often, our labradoodle, Nickie, will confidently stare into a corner of a room with no windows and bark repeately for several minutes."What is the dog barking at?" my wife would ask.

"Ghosts. I think the dog is chasing ghosts." I say.

She raises her eyebrows and her face says, "maybe," and the dog stops barking and we go about doing whatever it was we were doing.

Whether my dog is barking at ghosts or not, something is there, something triggered the keen senses of the my pet whether it was a sound, a smell or a noise.

The Internet is similar in that of all the millions of users out there, you can't see them or touch them, but you know they are there.

Anthony S. Policastro, The Dog is Chasing Ghosts, Mar 2009


Elisa said...

Awesome, Anthony! I'm adding it to my bloglist! And I'm also adding Google Analytics to my To Do list once the semester ends!

Unknown said...

My dog just did this last week! Kept staring at one spot on the ceiling, then climbed up on the couch for a closer look at..whatever. Then let loose with a series a barks and head shakes. I'm still trying to convince myself that there must be mice in the attic!